Kate Cullity
Title- Beauty Aesthetics and Care: Poetic Expressions of Landscape and Culture
Synopsis: Between 2010 and 2013 Kate Cullity embarked on her PhD and wrote an essay entitled, more than Just Looking Good: Beauty, Aesthetics, and Care. It explores her striving for an understanding of beauty as a poly-sensorial experience; one with multilayered associations. It also examines how the conduit of care encourages a sense of social, cultural, and environmental ideals that hopefully reverberate outwards to people who experience TCL’s projects.
Kate’s presentation will examine the nexus between beauty, care, and sustainability by examining a number of TCL’s public as well as residential projects, including the recently completed Cultivated by Fire display garden for the Gardens of the World IGA–Berlin, The Australian Garden–a botanic garden dedicated to the display of Australian plants and the abstraction of the Australian environment, plus The National Arboretum in Canberra, an arboretum of ‘100 Forests’ of the world’s endangered tree species.